How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

October 31, 2022

WordPress is one of the most powerful website platforms around. It is also one of the easiest websites to set up and start earning money from. In less than 48 hours you can create your own professional looking WordPress site. By the end of this guide you will be able to make over $100 a month from your WordPress blog.

I don’t think there is anyone who does not use WordPress. I would say everyone who uses WordPress uses it for blogging. In fact, you can make money with WordPress just by setting up a website and adding some plugins. You can even start making money with WordPress within 48 hours.

The process of how to make money with WordPress is simple. However, the result is awesome. So, if you want to know how to make money with WordPress in 48 hours, read on to learn more about this amazing technique.

How to start using WordPress for money making?

To earn money by using WordPress blog, you either need to do advertising or start affiliate marketing blog. Advertising is not recommended for new sites, nor are they eligible for it.

So the only legit way of all they ways to make money with WordPress is how to make money with WordPress in 48 hours by affiliate blog. You can also go for making money with WordPress by becoming a WordPress website developer and sell your services. People also setup e-commerce store and sell their own products.

What is Affiliate Marketing Blog?

 With this option, you will be able to get a commission for every sale that comes from your website. This is a great way to make money from your WordPress blog.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

The best part is that you don’t even have to do any work. It’s just a matter of setting up an account on an affiliate network and choosing your products. Then, you simply need to promote your products through your website and get the commission whenever a customer buys something from your affiliate link.

See Sample WordPress Website

The process of how to make money with WordPress in 48 hours and setting up a blog is simple. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Find the Right Niche

You need to select a niche that is lucrative. You need to choose a niche that suits you and your skills. For example, if you are good at graphic designing or ad networks, you can start a blog on design. There are many people who are looking for graphic designers to help them create great-looking websites and logos.

You can post a graphic design tutorial on your blog, and then you can add affiliate links to your post. Whenever anyone clicks on those links and purchases something, you can earn commissions.

But there are many niches that make you money online. Some are high paying, while others are low paying. Make sure that you’ve picked the right niche for you and the products you’re going to write about are easily available on affiliate networks because these products are the building blocks for you to how to make money with WordPress in 48 hours.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

Choosing the right affiliate programs from marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart can help you reach a wider audience. Choosing the wrong paid affiliate program can leave you disappointed in the end. After choosing the affiliate program, you should choose a product that you’re passionate about and make blog content on it.

It could be a product you use, or even a service for money making. Whatever product you choose, make sure it has a strong demand among your target audience and you get paid a good amount.

Step 2: Set up your brand

No matter what kind of website or blog you’re going to create for money making, you need to set it up as a brand. Because with branding, readers will be able to connect with you because of your unique voice and personality, which will help you earn more followers. It becomes easy to write content, sell and promote products when you have a brand identity.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

Branding gives a touch of uniqueness to your websites and enables you to gain trust and get paid comparatively easily.

Setting up your brand includes:

1.       Designing your logo using Canva or Photoshop

2.       Selecting the related color palette for your business niche

3.       Select related fonts for your business websites

4.       Create a Catchy slogan and tagline that represents your work clearly

Build Your Brand with Us

Step 3: Set up a domain name

You can start on how to make money with WordPress in 48 hours just by setting up a WordPress website for your business and adding some plugins. One of the most important things you need to do first is to choose a domain name for your website.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

If you have a domain name already, then you can skip this step. However, you can also register a new domain name with Bluehost and start making money with WordPress right away.

Here are the things you need to consider when choosing a domain name for your website:

– Should be unique and catchy

– Should contain the keywords that will help Google rank your website

– Should be easy to remember and to type

– Should be short

– Should have extension

Bluehost Domain

Bluehost has a feature that will help you choose a domain name that is perfect for your website. Simply go to your Bluehost Dashboard and select the ‘Manage Domains’ option.

Then, follow these steps:

1. Enter the domain name you want to register. For example, if your domain name is, enter in the ‘Enter domain name’ field.

2. Click ‘Create Domain’.

3. Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button, On the next page.

4. Fill in the billing information and payment information. Click on the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button to finish setting up the domain name.

5. Your domain name has been successfully created. Now, login to your Bluehost Dashboard and click on the ‘Domains’ option.

6. You will see the list of domains you have created on Bluehost. Go to the’’ domain name in the list and scroll down.

7. On the next screen, you’ll see the details of your domain name including the WHOIS and the SSL certificate details.

You now have a domain name for your websites. You can now install WordPress on your website.

Step 3: Select WordPress Theme

If you know how to build a blog or free websites after installing WordPress, you know how valuable a platform like WordPress can be. With over 67 million active users, WordPress powers nearly 2 out of every 3 websites online.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

WordPress has many different themes to choose from. Find one that fits your personality and gives you what you need for your site to make money with WordPress. WordPress themes are different. They’re the look and feel of your website or blog.

WordPress has about 500 different themes to choose from. These can range from simple to sophisticated ones. You can even mix and match themes to create the perfect look for your site.

When choosing a theme, be sure to look at the reviews left by previous users. Look at what customers say they like and don’t like. Try different themes, or try adding some plug-ins, like ones that let you automatically create social media links on your posts.

Step 4: Create Content

If you want to make money with WordPress in 48 hours by affiliate marketing, you should first choose the right type of affiliate products. You can either choose the products to sell that are already popular or those that people are not aware of yet.

To create quality content on affiliate product that can earn you more money, you need to choose an affiliate product that is interesting to you.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

The second part is choosing the right keyword. Make sure the keyword you choose is something that people are searching for on search engine. Make sure that your keywords are optimized and that the blog post content is focused on one or more of your target audience’s needs.

Lastly, write content on affiliate product or digital products that is SEO (search engine optimization) friendly. This means adding relevant keywords in your WordPress website content, making sure that your images are optimally sized and using HTML tags to add alt text and descriptive information.

When it comes to WordPress website content creation, you can choose from various platforms such as blogs, eBooks, white papers, webinars, info graphics, and more.

And WordPress is also a content management system which means that you don’t need any other content management system for your WordPress site blog posts to make money in 48 hours, no matter what ways to make money are you following.

Step 5: Drive Traffic to Your Blog Site 

The number one thing you can do to drive more traffic to your WordPress website to make money with WordPress in 48 hours is to use forums and chat rooms online where your target audience can connect with each other.

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To really make sure you know what your affiliate marketing target audience wants, use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or Twitter Lists to see what topics people are talking about.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

For example, if you are posting about home improvement then you might post on Home Improvement Forums. Then you would use those search terms to find other related forums on sites like Pinterest and Google+. This will help you to target specific groups of people.

Next, you need to create a page on your site that focuses on those topics and post content that helps people understand why these topics are important. After you’ve gathered information about what your target audience is interested in, focus on providing quality content that is useful to them.

Social media Channels/ Forums

Lastly, use social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to promote posts and encourage engagement with your audience. Use the content of your site to find posts that have already been shared, and make connections by leaving comments or sharing links. Remember that using social media will lead to more traffic.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

Once you have a nice following on social media sites, it’s important to remember to be consistent. Also, always have a link to your blog site in the footer of your web pages. That way, visitors can easily find your posts.

When it comes to the free tools for driving traffic, Pinterest is a great option. It has a lot of potential because it is so visual. People love to share visually appealing images. Also, keep in mind that not all links go through and some won’t pass the spam filter.

This means that you might have to spend money on ads. But, if you’re willing to put in the time, it will definitely pay off.

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Use Facebook to Promote your Blog posts

Facebook is a great tool for sharing content. When sharing, think about how your content can engage your audience and build their trust.

Facebook groups allow you to connect with others that share your interests and goals. Create a list of these groups on your page and encourage users to join them to gain insight into the topics they’re interested in.

Engaging with users on Facebook is a great way to generate leads, comments, likes and shares. These actions help build your fan base and get your blog more exposure.

Use Email Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Site

You may already know the importance of email marketing to drive traffic and conversions to your site. But what you may not know is the fact that you can use email marketing to build brand loyalty.

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

Create your opt-in list, get an auto responder system, and start sending emails. Be honest and open, people like people. People will trust you and respond well if you tell them why they should follow your advice or buy your product.

You also want to include offers, deals, and discounts. And lastly, don’t be afraid to sell. You are not selling drugs, and you shouldn’t act like it either.

With an email marketing campaign, you can convince people that you care about them and their needs. It is a great tool to drive people back to your site and eventually buying from your affiliate link.

And guess what? Using email marketing, you don’t have to pay a lot of money. All you need is a good email marketing service provider (ESP).

Hire a Full Stack Digital Marketing Agency for your Site

Step 6: Monetize Your Blog

You can make money with WordPress in 48 hours by monetizing your blog by displaying ads on it. When looking into display ads on your blog, think about promoting your blog first.

When users come to your blog, they’ll most likely see something about you and what your blog is about. If they have an interest in you or your brand, they’ll most likely click through to your website or sign up for your newsletter.

The last thing you want is to promote your blog to someone who is only interested in reading your blog because they want to see your ads.

Google Adsense

How to Make Money with WordPress in 48 Hours

Adsense is a program by Google that displays ads on your blog, or website. To qualify for advertising space you must have a website and show that people visiting your website are interested in your content. Google adsense can help you make much money in 48 hours.

Paid Advertising and ad networks place niche related ads on your blog content and show them to audience on search engines and generate quick traffic on WordPress websites.

Hire a Full Stack Digital Marketing Agency for your Site

This way, you can display ads that will drive traffic to your blog and also make you money from Google AdSense.


How many views do you need to make money on WordPress?

If you’re going for full time blogging and making money with wordpress, you need to create a website with more than 100,000 views per month.

How long does it take to make money on WordPress?

Once you have setup you website, it will take 6-12 months to make money online.

Can you really make money WordPress?

Yes! It is possible to make money with wordpress because it is one of the largest website development platform and by consistent blog posts, you can make money.

How can I earn money after Learning WordPress?

You can learn WordPress by any online available course. A paid course can teach you better than free course. There are many way to make money with WordPress:
Design a Free Blog Site and start creating related blog posts
Sell Digital products
Design Websites and Sell your services
Join Free Affiliate Programs
Join Ad networks
Write Content for free websites

Final Words

With a little patience, you can build a successful blog and eventually make money with WordPress in 48 hours.

But in start, you need to setup your free blog site for affiliate marketing, write content and if you’re passionate enough to make money with WordPress, setting up website and starting with your first affiliate blog is not a difficult thing to do.

Once you write and publish first blog and all these steps setting up blog in right ways to make money, it is possible to make money quickly from Google AdSense and sell affiliate products from related blog posts.


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